CAP Management is a french consulting firm. We specialize in assisting companies achieve ISO certifications or implementing any other management standard requirements. CAP Management’s rapid development and deployment of your Management System is what makes it stand ahead of the competition and help you achieve your certification goals.
Besides implementation of Management Systems, our services also consist in performing Gap Analysis, Pre-Assessment Audits, Internal Audits, conducting on-site training classes and assisting companies with process improvements.
To become the first choice in consulting services by meeting customer satisfaction
⦁ Management
We guide you in your choices
Step by step, we guide you in your strategic choices and we assist you until the implementation and certification of your management system.
⦁ Technical and regulation assessment
We assist you until setting compliance
We carry out technical and regulations assessment to attain compliance, the closest to your reality.
⦁ Training
To acquire a taste for excellence to your staff
We enhance your staff skills through personal trainings, according to your conditions and requirements.
⦁ Auditing
Assessment of the performance of your management system
CAP Management consultants are approved IRCA (International Register of Certificated Auditors) as such they are qualified to carry out pre-audits and audits of certification for different certification bodies.
To carry on highest your requirements
can be tailored to meet your company needs, size and requirements.